Representing Sarah Cliff

We are very excited to announce that Brilliant Artists is now representing Cardiff based illustrator Sarah Cliff. Her work is unique for its unexpected colour combinations and her play with proportions and wobbly lines, which lend her work a psychedelic feel. We love that her work can be both playful and melancholic.
Find out more about the illustrator in our Q&A:

1. Do you listen to music while you draw/paint/illustrate? And if so who or what gets the most plays in your studio?
Lots of music and many podcasts and audiobooks, I also love the radio. My most played artists are probably something like, Cocteau Twins, the Sundays and Cher.
2. Which other illustrators or artists do you most admire and why?
I love Beryl Cook and the way she painted figures and I love William Roberts who was a cubist, the way he draws figures and slots them together in an image is strange and beautiful. Also my partner Anil Rinat, her use of illustrator is what inspired me to try it myself.
3. What is the best thing about being an illustrator? And the worst?
The best are being paid to make images, drinking as many cups of tea as I want and learning about interesting things when the client sends me the brief. The worst part is reassuring concerned, elderly relatives that it is a real job.
4. How do you overcome a creative block?
If I have time, go for a walk or take a rest. If there’s no time, eventually something will come out if I keep drawing, I keep lots of sketchbooks where I store notes which can help with a starting point for an idea.
5. What do you have to have in place before you start work?
A hot drink on my desk and my cat, Dylan on my lap.

6. What are 3 of your favourite films? Which one would you illustrate the poster for?
Titanic, Betty Blue and The Bodyguard. I’d maybe give Betty Blue a try.
7. If you could illustrate the book cover for one book which would it be?
Being from Wales I think if I could illustrate anything by Dylan Thomas that would be gorgeous. Nana Joan would be so proud.
8. Dream studio location and set up?
Something in the city centre with a balcony where I can people watch. There would be an espresso machine, a peaceful garden and bike storage. Separate desks for the messy drawing part and the digital part would be useful plus plenty of shelves. A bonus would be a cat chauffeur so Dylan can come too.
9. Best trip you have ever been on?
I haven’t travelled abroad much over the last few years but I love any trip to the countryside and going for lots of hikes. I would love to go back to Barcelona one day and it would be a dream to go to Japan.
10. If you could have any artwork in your home what would it be?
William Roberts, Les Routiers, Cycling
Or an Andy Warhol pencil drawing.

You can see Sarah’s wonderful portfolio in full here.