¡Hola Rocio Egio!

September 2020

Rocio Egio is an illustrator with a background in architecture and a penchant for geometric simplicity paired with a vibrant colour palette and an infectiously optimistic outlook. Her work is grounded in her dyslexic viewpoint (her super power!) seeing the world in colours and shapes, and abiding by her own positive rules for work and life. Do it with love. Be inclusive. Play and have fun.

Meet the effervescent Rocio, the latest addition to the Brilliant Artists agency roster.

1. Do you listen to music while you draw/paint/illustrate? And if so who or what gets the most plays in your studio?

Of course! Music is always on in my studio. I’m very eclectic in music, my mood or task will determinate the style of music I play. For example if I’m in a conceptualisation phase I will always play some instrumental music, I love Ludovico Einaudi and Chilly Gonzales. On the other hand if I’m doing more mechanical tasks I choose music that is more danceable or that I can sing haha!

Here is one of the playlists that I play the most lately.

2. Which other illustrators or artists do you most admire and why?

Many of my favourite designers, artist or illustrators are those who blend their appearance and personality with their work. This is the case for Olimpia Zagnoli, Camille Walala, Meg Lewis or the great Yayoi Kusama. They have such an iconic use of their personal brand that at a glance of their art or themselves they are instantly recognisable. I love that!

3. What is the best thing about being an illustrator? And the worst?

The best will be the flexibility to work from wherever I want, when you live in a foreign country this is very precious. In addition, the simple fact of making a living by sharing your unique and personal vision of the world is extraordinary, don’t you think?

The worst… I miss drawing for the sake of drawing and experimenting, without responding to a briefing or commission. I try to always block a few hours a week for experimenting in new drawing or creative projects, but it hasn’t worked out so far, haha!

4. How do you overcome a creative block?

For me, the hardest thing is to realise and admit that I’m blocked. I am very demanding with myself and I usually push myself a lot without seeing that it’s not working.

After many hours of frustration, I do a break. Meditation, cooking, going to my dance class, going to the grocery store, doing housework… anything works, all I need is some distance.

I need to work on this to be able to distance myself from the slightest symptom of blockage.

5. What are 3 of your favourite films? Which one would you illustrate the poster for?

I don’t have favourites haha! But I do know which poster I would like to illustrate « The Grand Budapest Hotel » to draw all the Mendl’s delicious sweets.


6. If you could illustrate the book cover for one book which would it be?

Any cookbook cover.

7. Dream studio location and set up?

It would be in the middle of the city (none in particular) I like to isolate myself when I work so I need noisy streets when I’m done. It will be a big open space with huge windows. Walls lined with shelves with design books and all kinds of materials to play with. A painting corner, a big work table for crafting and a desk for the digital set up.

8. Best trip you have ever been on?

Japan, I was fascinated with the culture, how ceremonious they are and the passion and love that they put into everything they do.

9. Best meal you’ve ever had?

I am Spanish, but I have lived abroad for four years so the best food is always the one my abuela cooks when I go to visit my family in Spain.

10. If you could have any artwork in your home what would it be?

New York City I by Piet Mondrian

Check out more of Rocio’s portfolio here.

rocio egio bad vibes dont go with my outfit

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