Representing Nathalie Lees

July 2020

Nathalie cut her teeth as an in house illustrator at The Times and is now a regular contributor to The Guardian and The Obeserver, distilling complex ideas and stories into striking images. We asked the illustrator 10 questions to find out a little bit more about her.

1. Do you listen to music while you draw/paint/illustrate? And if so who or what gets the most plays in your studio?

I can’t listen to music when I’m thinking of ideas. Once I’m into the making bit I listen to music or podcasts or the radio, depending on my mood.

2. Which other illustrators or artists do you most admire and why?

There’s loads! But amongst others…. Matt Connors, Sonia Delaunay, David Hockney, Cy Twombly, Tracey Emin, Lucien Freud, Anselm Kiefer, LS Lowry.

3. What is the best thing about being an illustrator? And the worst?

The Best: the problem solving, and trying to communicate a message as simply as possible. The Worst: the admin.

4. How do you overcome a creative block?

Chocolate (Dairy Milk) and tea (Yorkshire).

5. What are 3 of your favourite films? Which one would you illustrate the poster for? 

A Matter of Life and Death, Nuts in May, Anchorman

6. If you could illustrate the book cover for one book which would it be?

“Catcher in the Rye”. My angsty 15 year old self would be delighted. Or any Raymond Chandler book.

7. Dream studio location and set up?

On a beach with a tiki-bar next door.

8. Best trip you have ever been on?

Siena, Italy. We stumbled across The Palio, it’s totally nuts.

9. Best meal you’ve ever had?

My gran-in-laws Shepherds Pie. It’s 50% salt.

10. If you could have any artwork in your home what would it be?

A Hockney

See Nathalie’s portfolio here.

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