Jason Lyon’s Amazing Asia

‘Amazing Asia: An Encyclopedia of an Epic Continent’ has been published by Quarto Publishing this autumn to a very warm reception. Written by Rashmi Sirdeshpande, designed by Myrto Dimitrakoulia and stunningly illustrated by Jason Lyon, this beautiful tome for children is a guide to the vast continent, taking in its history, present and future. Broken up in to five geographical locations, East, West, North and Central, South and South East, the encyclopedia explores the people, culture, wildlife and sights of each region in a fascinating celebration of one of the most diverse continents on the planet, with rich histories and incredible contributions to art and science.

Jason’s illustrations take you from Mount Fuji to the archaeological sites of Petra, via historical figures and dynasties, to present day celebrities and leaders, with lots of beautiful wildlife and landscapes in between. It is a huge testament to Jason’s skill as an artist that he has undertaken such a broad range of subjects over so many gorgeous pages.

Jason’s art in Amazing Asia is breathtaking. It’s vibrant and dynamic and captures the beauty of the continent and its cultures with great sensitivity. He’s that rare kind of artist who can illustrate everything from people to animals, stunning landscapes and ancient architecture to incredible modern cityscapes. An amazing talent and I couldn’t be prouder to have worked with him on this beautiful book, which is a true celebration of all things Asia. – Rashmi Sirdeshpande, Author
Amazing Asia is such an important book to be out in the world right now, and we’re so lucky to have found Jason to bring it to life. His vivid detailed illustrators really did justice to all the different regions of this epic continent. He brought so much of himself into the project and created something really precious. – Mytro Dimitrakoulia, Designer
We caught up with Jason to find out a bit more about the book and his beautiful illustrations:
This your first fully illustrated book, were you excited to take this project on?
I was beyond excited! Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d get the chance to work on a picture book, especially given my style. What made it even more special was that it was an encyclopaedia about Asia. My earliest memory of drawing is from an encyclopaedia, so in many ways, this felt like the perfect project for me.
What was your process for a spread?
I always started with the research (which was my favourite part), then rough sketches, then develop into finals. I’d spend a lot of time researching images and articles about the subject matter because I really want to make sure I’m portraying the things correctly and respectfully. I try to also make sure the sketches are clear, expressive and detailed, and with the colour palette I just wanted every page to have that warmth, that magic.

Do you have a favourite spread and which was the most fun to illustrate?
My favourite spreads are definitely the ‘Spectacular Sights’ series, and if I had to choose, the one for East Asia stands out. Interestingly, it was also the trial spread! It really set the tone for the rest of the book.
Did you learn any interesting facts as you worked through the project?
One fascinating thing I learned is the profound influence Islam has had on the continent, from its early history right up to the present. I think that’s a beautiful piece of knowledge.
Another fun fact is that around 200 types of melons are grown in Turkmenistan! I love melons, so that discovery was extra sweet for me.

Is there a topic you would love to tackle over another illustrated book?
I’d love to illustrate a fiction book focused on Asian mythology, or even the grand mythologies from around the world. The deities, monsters, and the stories behind them have always fascinated me.

What other kinds of projects would you like to work on over the next 12 months?
After Amazing Asia, I’m definitely drawn to more travel-focused projects. I loved illustrating the different cultures, landscapes, dances, and foods. And I’d love to continue working on illustrated books, as I think they’re a fantastic way for young readers to learn—especially visual learners like me.

Order the book online now.
You can view Jason’s beautiful portfolio in full here.