Introducing Milagros Pico

Say hello to our newest signing the marvellous Argentinian illustrator Milagros Pico! Her work is dazzlingly colourful, energetic and fun, with a kaleidoscopic tendency. With influences from pop culture and music her characters are immersed in a world built of loose forms and saturated colours that still feel connected to the real world.
We are very excited to welcome Milagros to the Brilliant Artists roster and find out more about the artist with our Q&A.

1. Do you listen to music while you draw/paint/illustrate? And if so, who or what gets the most plays in your studio?
Yes! It is an absolutely must for me. I think my drawings are 100% inspired by what I’m listening to. It depends on the moment, but to name a few: Fiona Apple, Eduardo Mateo, Rosario Bléfari, Jonathan Richman, Courtney Barnett and Alex Andwanter.
2. Which other illustrators or artists do you most admire and why?
The artists I admire the most are actually my colleagues from Argentina. I’m super proud of the talent in this country, and I love learning from them. I’ll make a longlist cause to name a few would not be fair: Melisa Fernandez Nitsche, Caribay M. Benavidez, Ivana Boullón, German Gentile, Miguel Cruz, Jazmín Varela, Juan R Lague, Josefina Schargorodosky, David Pitucardi, Rocío Carolina, Viviana Maidanik, Eugenia Mello, Lulú Maranzana, Flore Rodriguez, Juan Pez, Paula Maneyro, Sebastián Cestaro, Leandro Waibe, Victoria Rodriguez, Meleszz, and a hundred more.
3. What is the best thing about being an illustrator/creator? And the worst?
The best thing is the uncertainty of what you’ll create next, what project will come along, the change in routine. The worst thing is, well, the same thing.
4. How do you overcome a creative block?
I fight my way through it. I grab a bunch of sheets and I start drawing without any direction. I try not to aim for a specific result but to connect with the action of the pen gliding across the paper. I draw as many sheets as I can without judging them and I don’t revisit them until hours later; I always find something that I like after that.
5. What are 3 of your favourite films? Which one would you illustrate the poster for?
I have a soft spot for My Best Friend’s Wedding; with my beloved Julia Roberts haha. I would love to see my illustrations on that poster. I also love Mike Mills’ movies, so any of his would be perfect. And last but not least, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

6. If you could work on the book cover for one book, which would it be?
I would love to work on J.D Salinger’s Franny and Zoe.
7. Dream studio location and set up?
I share a studio with some friends and I love it, but we are always fantasising about having a bigger place, with a room to give workshops and a meeting room. It could be a big house here in Buenos Aires, or a space downtown so we can host events. Also, super important in this dream studio: a super big cozy couch to take a nap after
8. Best trip you have ever been on?
Last year, I went to Berlin to attend the Pictoplasma Academy, and I absolutely loved it. I had the opportunity to travel, learn a lot, meet amazing artists, and make new friends.
9. What do you have to have in place before you start work?
My desktop tied up, shoes off, smartphone out of my sight and something to drink.
10. If you could have any artwork in your home what would it be?
Any of David Hockney’s work.

Check out Milagros’ wonderfully mind bending portfolio in full here!