2024 Paris Paralympic Games

Earlier this year the brilliant Lauren Hall and Josh Patterson were commissioned by the fantastic team at Kreatives and The International Paralympics Committee, also made possible by Paralympics partner Allianz, to create Illustrated key frames and thumbnails for the official sport explainer videos of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.The project was an excellent opportunity for Lauren, Josh and the super squad of ten artists they were a part of, to learn about Para Sports whilst also celebrating the nuance and diversity that comes with each. In particular the very specific rules, equipment and most importantly athletic classifications which are used in para sports which ensure fair competition amongst athletes with different types of disabilities.
As well as illustrated key frames the artists were asked to create video thumbnails as bonus assets, which were a “special twist” to the project. Taking inspiration from the games design guidelines and the art deco movement (popular when Paris last hosted the games in 1924), Kreatives assigned each illustrator a famous painting from a French artist, which were to be reinterpreted in each of the Illustrator’s individual style whilst also fitting the Para Sport assigned.
Here you can see Lauren’s Para Archer triumphantly leading a cohort of para athletes à la Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People and then Josh’s Boccia contestant cleverly replicating the pose of Auguste Rodin’s famous sculpture, The Thinker.
Are you a big fan of the Olympic and Paralympic Games? and how did this influence your work for this project?
Josh Patterson: Yes I’m a big fan of the Olympics and Paralympics! I used to do gymnastics when I was younger so I’m always excited to watch that. I’ve done my fair share of skateboarding over the years too so it’s been cool to watch that these past couple of years as well.
Lauren Hall: Absolutely! The Olympic and Paralympic Games are so inspiring. The combination of passion, discipline, and incredible stories of perseverance is just magic. I hoped to capture that same energy and emotion in my illustrations.
What was the process of creating the illustrated assets like?
JP: It was great working with the team at Kreatives. I was quite surprised at how well organised the project was. Considering the size of it, my contribution felt very seamless. I’ve worked on much smaller animation jobs that’s have been a bit all over the place at times.
LH: It was a mix of sketching out rough ideas, playing with dynamic poses, and finding ways to visually represent the intensity of each sport. I started by watching a lot of footage to get a feel for the movements. Then came the fun part—translating that into stylized characters that could leap off the screen.
What were the key considerations when making illustrations for this project?
JP: I’d say throughout my career I’ve had limited exposure to drawing people with visual body impairments. So it was really important to me that I did research on each sport and the disabilities within it so that I could capture the athletes impairments in a realistic and respectful manner.
LH: It was crucial to respect the athletes and the sports. Kreatives were amazing at advising and giving direction with this. I wanted to make sure that each illustration not only looked dynamic but also conveyed the uniqueness of the sport and the athlete’s strength.
Which para sport did you enjoy illustrating most?
JP: For me it was para swimming, I’d say this one challenged me a little more than Boccia did. I had to get creative when coming up with the different ways to draw water in vector form. The bubbles, splashes and underwater shots were really fun to create and I’m really pleased with how they’ve transferred into animation.
LH: That’s a tough one, but I’d have to say para rowing was the most fun. The sheer intensity and hypnotic rhythm of the sport was thrilling to capture.
How did it feel to be creating alongside a team of talented illustrators?
LH: It was amazing being part of an artistic relay race! It was a true collaborative effort, and I think that synergy is reflected in the final work. Each of us brought a unique style, and seeing how everyone interpreted different sports was incredibly inspiring.
If you could illustrate for sport again, what would be your dream project?
JP: I mean a Nike campaign is the dream right? I’d love to do something for Nike SB actually. I think any job that allowed me to mix my passion for skateboarding and illustration would be a dream project, with some dramatic angles and exaggerated perspectives of people skateboarding.
Credits and special thanks to:
Agency – Kreatives
Clients – International Paralympics Committee, Allianz & Paris 2024
Executive Creative Direction – Franzi Sessler & Tony Gui
Creative Direction – Bruce Morrison & Tainá Ceccato
Art Direction – Tainá Ceccato
Illustration & Design – Lauren Hall & Josh Patterson
Animation Direction – Bruce Morrison
2D Animation – Andreas Maris, Bruce Morrison, Nicolas Grandry
Cel Animation – Muscle Beaver
3D Animation – Luca Brandovardi
Editing -Andrés Cajas & Marcel Tarantino
Sound Design & Mix – Andrés Cajas, Bruce Morrison & Daniela Pulido
Storytelling – Tony Gui